Please stop doing this
I've been looking at your flash movies, and I must say that I do appreciate the fact that you're making serious, sad films about emotional things and such. I seriously respect it. But man, don't you ever wonder if this stuff is getting boring, showing the same ideas over and over? I've watched about 5 of your films so far, and 3 of them were about somebody being depressed about a girlfriend dying. The stuff is kind of corny, showing words saying "I love you" and things like that. I'm a skater, and I think that you shouldn't have made this based on a skater. I know the main idea of the movie, that skaters have feelings too, but man, if people are gonna bash skaters, they're going to do it anyway. Everyone knows that every class of people in the world has feelings, but that doesn't stop people from being racist. Showing a big skate scene in the movie made it worse. I don't know what everybody else thought, but when I saw that, it shouted out to me "Hey! If you don't like the emotional stuff, here's a skate scene!!!" It didn't go well with the music at all (the skate scene). I appreciate that you're showing that us skaters have feelings, but people already know that. I'm completely fine with getting the occasional "dirty skater" or "skater goth" because I know that the person is just a fucking moron trying to keep his own good reputation. Mostly preps bash skaters, so we bash them back, because we have more of a right to complain anyway. Let this be a lesson to all the preps out there who bash skaters, because I hope you know that we have the talent to do it and you don't. The only thing the preps do have is their shitty reputation. Sorry for getting off the subject there, but I had to get that out of my system. I feel better now. Anyway, please try making new kinds of flashes. This probably took a really long time to make, because it looks rather nice. Sorry if I've insulted you somewhere in here, good luck with your flashes.